Thursday, May 10, 2012

Max Brooks and the CDC

  In 2003 Max Brooks published his famous book The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, it sold over one million in print, became a New York Times Best Seller, and quickly became the most popular zombie book on the market. After reading through a few interviews it becomes apparent that Max Brooks (even though the son of Mel Brooks) wrote the book in all seriousness and though it was interesting that it was placed in the humor isle and got “great” reviews in The Onion. The book is filled with ways to stay alive, detailed information on guns and other weapons, strategies on where to run or hide out, undead myths and realities, and even recorded attacks through history (Brooks).
     Though his plans and preparation for the future zombie attack is logical and real, the virus described in the book is not. Solanum is the name he gives the zombie virus and even goes into detail of how it takes over the human mind and body to create the living dead, however, this virus does not exist it is an insight to how a similar virus would work and at the very least a detailed way to defend against it. Though the recorded attacks in the book can not be taken completely seriously, due to the fact that solanum is stated to be evidence and it doesn't yet exist, he does come up with several interesting ideas about history and how the human race prepared for zombies in the ancient days. For example, he states that in 3000 BCE in Hieraconpolis, Egypt there was a recorded attack. In 1982 when the tomb was found it showed signs of scratch marks all along the walls proving the person was still alive when buried. He claims that there were signs of the “virus” in the brain and further claims that the zombie virus was the leading reason for the Egyptians to take the brains out of the dead's skull (Brooks). Even though fictional it does seem rather fitting and is an interesting idea to think about, that the ancients were even defending against the zombie outbreak.
     Another way that we can see the effects of the possible zombie apocalypse is through our government. That's right our government is even trying to warn us of the possible threat. The CDC released an article in 2011 called Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse stating the possible threat and ways to defend yourself and your family. “The rise of zombies in pop culture has given credence to the idea that a zombie apocalypse could happen.” (Khan). The article gives a list of supplies and gives details on what the CDC will do toy protect the people and try to stop the outbreak. There are several reasons why this article was written with some of them not being related to zombies. The CDC main point of this article was to warn the public of the zombie threat, but they also made the article to draw in the crowds of young people so they can learn what the CDC does, they also state many things that you can do during natural distastes to survive as well as a zombie outbreak. So the CDC wrote the article for publicity and for the fact that they can not state that a zombie apocalypse is not a threat. The article basically sums up Max Brooks' book (with out the use of weapons) and gives the public more information on what the CDC does and how they will protect you during any disaster including zombies.
     Just for future reference Max Brooks' “top ten lessons for surviving a zombie attack.”

  1. Organize before they rise!
  2. They feel no fear, why should you?
  3. Use you head: cut off theirs.
  4. Blades don't need reloading.
  5. Ideal protection= tight clothes, short hair.
  6. Get up the stair case, then destroy it.
  7. Get out of the car, get on a bike.
  8. Keep moving, keep low, keep quiet, keep alert!
  9. No place is safe, only safer
  10. The zombie may be gone, but the threat lives on.

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